• Introducing Anna

    As I’m sure you’ve guessed from the title, my name is Anna.  I’ve recently turned 40 and while I outwardly do the groan that is expected of me when I announce my age, I really just feels like just another number.  In my heart, I’m still in my twenties and I think sometimes I have to really try hard to act my age.  But obviously, having a family now, a house, a car, well, I just can’t get away with drinking straight from the bottle of JD and smoking weed anymore.  It’s a shame though.

    I’m married, happily, I might add, to David.  He’s my soul mate, my best friend and my confidante.  We click in every way, including our sexual fantasies, which now have evolved to include bringing other people into our intimate relationship.

    This came up for the first time a few years ago.  During sex, David said that he’d be blown away to see me fucked by another man.  At first, I was surprised.  Shocked, even.  I’d always been the faithful wife, the loving wife and I could never imagine being disloyal to this man.  I went along with the fantasy.  I started to enjoy the fantasy.  We talked about it, but seeing as it usually came up during sexy talk in our bedroom, I saw it as fantasy and nothing more.

    The more we talked about it though, the more I tried to imagine whether I could really do it.  The answer was that I thought that maybe I could, but I’ll admit firstly that I wasn’t sure and secondly that I really never imagined that it would ever happen.

    Now, a few years later, we are on the cusp of fulfilling this sexual fantasy.  Next week, in fact.  I’m nervous.  But very excited.

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