Yes! Yes, I did get to fuck Rob yesterday and it was wild. I was pretty nervous, but I got myself up, showered, kids off to school and then I rent a hotel room. I called his cell and told him where I was and he showed up a few minutes later.
I imagined sitting and talking for a bit, but Rob had other plans. I think he knew that I was nervous and I think he was feeling it too. So he jump right in. He'd been through the door about a minute before he was sitting next to me, kissing me.
At first, I was taken aback. I'm married and have been completely faithful in those 12 years. To have another man touch me like that, even though I'd invited him, was weird to say the least.
Calm down, I told my brain. Relax, have fun.
I kissed him back, gave him my tongue. I stroked him arms and his chest. We lay back on the bed and made out like horny teenagers.
I was wearing a skin-toned thigh-highs and a belt under a black knee-length skirt, with a black leather boots. When he ran his hand up my leg and under my skirt, I could feel his surprise at finding the belt. I think he like it.
Then clothes started come off. First, my skirt, my boots. Then his shirt and jeans. My shirt, my bra.
And then I was laying there, near naked, with this man I hardly know, soaking wet and horny as hell. He fucked me with his fingers, licked my clit and I came on his face.
When he eventually fuck me, he fucked me hard. The bed shook and I could feel his cock hitting me inside. Such pleasurable pain.
He fucked me from on top, doggy style, and with my legs over his shoulders.
When I got home, my husband shyly asked for the details. And then he pounced on my and fucked my brains out. I thought he'd be more reserved, more nervous, maybe even slightly upset, but instead, he was uncomtrollably thrilled.
He fucked me again later in the evening, the naughty devil.
Today, Thursday, I'm lucky I can walk! But I'm still wet and horny as I type this.
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I've been chatting online with a man named Rob who lives about an hour from us. We met through an adult website meant to help like-minded people get together from sex. He seems like a decent guy, good-looking, friendly and capable of talking of more than just sex.
A lot of the men who have contacted me come on very strong at first. The first message to me might be "I want to lick your pussy". How am I supposed to respond to that??
I'm not saying that I'm shocked or a prude, but I'm not looking for cyber sex. If I were, that kind of talk would like do the trick.
And while I'm on the topic of men who contact me to introduce themselves, I have to mention grammar and punctuation. Honestly, I can't even understand what some of them are trying to say. Men, please know that intelligence (or at the least the pretence of intelligence) is a turn-on. Use capitals when its called for and the ocassional period or comma wouldn't go amiss.
Anyway, so after a couple of weeks of online chatting, Rob and I made arrangements to meet near where I live. One of our many local Tim Hortons was the meeting place. I was very nervous. I asked myself why. I mean, I'd come to the conclusion a long time ago that if I were to pursue this alternative lifestyle, I'd have to be less picky than I might have been choosing a life partner. I'd obviously still want him to be clean, decent-looking and at least a little bit intelligent, but let's face it, I wasn't looking to fall in love.
It stands to reason then that the men are likely to be less picky too. I say that because there seems to be a shortage of woman surfing these sites and loads of men.
So what did I have to worry about meeting Rob face to face? He'd seen my pictures. I'd been honest with him about height, weight, age, etc.
When he wrote to me after the meeting, he made it clear that he was very interested in taking things further with me. He called me beautiful and sexy.
I guess he said all the right things because I have made plans to meet up with him at a nearby hotel on Wednesday next week.
David is supportive but slightly withdrawn. I'm a little worried that he'll pull the plug at the last minute, but I really just want him to be happy and I'll stand by whatever he wants.
I'm doing this for me, of course, but we started talking about this because it turned David on. If nerves or fears plays a bigger part in his thinking, then it's not worth doing.
Will I get to fuck Rob on Wednesday?
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As I’m sure you’ve guessed from the title, my name is Anna. I’ve recently turned 40 and while I outwardly do the groan that is expected of me when I announce my age, I really just feels like just another number. In my heart, I’m still in my twenties and I think sometimes I have to really try hard to act my age. But obviously, having a family now, a house, a car, well, I just can’t get away with drinking straight from the bottle of JD and smoking weed anymore. It’s a shame though.
I’m married, happily, I might add, to David. He’s my soul mate, my best friend and my confidante. We click in every way, including our sexual fantasies, which now have evolved to include bringing other people into our intimate relationship.
This came up for the first time a few years ago. During sex, David said that he’d be blown away to see me fucked by another man. At first, I was surprised. Shocked, even. I’d always been the faithful wife, the loving wife and I could never imagine being disloyal to this man. I went along with the fantasy. I started to enjoy the fantasy. We talked about it, but seeing as it usually came up during sexy talk in our bedroom, I saw it as fantasy and nothing more.
The more we talked about it though, the more I tried to imagine whether I could really do it. The answer was that I thought that maybe I could, but I’ll admit firstly that I wasn’t sure and secondly that I really never imagined that it would ever happen.
Now, a few years later, we are on the cusp of fulfilling this sexual fantasy. Next week, in fact. I’m nervous. But very excited.
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